This page tracks the new paper links made to my list of SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 papers.
Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.
August 10, 2020
- X-CAD: Optimizing CAD Models with Extended Finite Elements
December 26, 2019
- Video-Guided Real-to-Virtual Parameter Transfer for Viscous Fluids
- Tomographic Projector: Large Scale Volumetric Display with Uniform Viewing Experiences
December 17, 2019
- Accelerated Complex-Step Finite Difference for Expedient Deformable Simulation
- QuadMixer: Layout Preserving Blending of Quadrilateral Meshes
December 10, 2019
- Variance-Aware Multiple Importance Sampling
November 28, 2019
- The Camera Offset Space: Real-time Potentially Visible Set Computations for Streaming Rendering
- QuadMixer: Layout Preserving Blending of Quadrilateral Meshes
November 26, 2019
November 19, 2019
- X-CAD: Optimizing CAD Models with Extended Finite Elements
- Comic-Guided Speech Synthesis
November 17, 2019
- Extrusion-Based Ceramics Printing with Strictly-Continuous Deposition
- SceneGit: A Practical System for Diffing and Merging 3D Environments
- Write-A-Video: Computational Video Montage from Themed Text
- Computational LEGO Technic Design
- DeepFovea: Neural Reconstruction for Foveated Rendering and Video Compression using Learned Statistics of Natural Videos
- The Relightables: Volumetric Performance Capture of Humans with Realistic Relighting
- Fluid Carving: Intelligent Resizing for Fluid Simulation Data
November 14, 2019
- DReCon: Data-Driven Responsive Control of Physics-Based Characters
November 11, 2019
- Deep Face Normalization
November 5, 2019
- Neural State Machine for Goal-Directed Character Control
October 31, 2019
- Handheld Mobile Photography in Very Low Light
- Write-A-Video: Computational Video Montage from Themed Text
October 30, 2019
- Animating Landscape: Self-Supervised Learning of Decoupled Motion and Appearance for Single-Image Video Synthesis
- 3D Hodge Decompositions of Edge- and Face-based Vector Fields
- Material-adapted Refinable Basis Functions for Elasticity Simulation
- An Integrated 6DoF Video Camera and System Design
- Artistic Glyph Image Synthesis via One-Stage Few-Shot Learning
- Blind Image Super-Resolution with Spatially Variant Degradations
- Bounded Distortion Tetrahedral Metric Interpolation
- Colorblind-Shareable Videos by Synthesizing Temporal-Coherent Polynomial Coefficients
- Data-driven Interior Plan Generation for Residential Buildings
- Deep Iterative Frame Interpolation for Full-frame Video Stabilization
- Document Rectification and Illumination Correction using a Patch-based CNN
- Handheld Mobile Photography in Very Low Light
- Learning Adaptive Hierarchical Cuboid Abstractions of 3D Shape Collections
- Modeling Curved Folding with Freeform Deformations
- Modeling Endpoint Distribution of Pointing Selection Tasks in Virtual Reality Environments
- Orometry-based terrain analysis and synthesis
- Real2Sim: Visco-elastic parameter estimation from dynamic motion
- Redefining A in RGBA: Towards a Standard for Graphical 3D Printing
- Redirected Smooth Mappings for Multi-user Real Walking in VR
- Repairing Man-Made Meshes via Visual Driven Global Optimization with Minimum Intrusion
- Reparameterizing Discontinuous Integrands for Differentiable Rendering
- The Reduced Immersed Method for Real-Time Fluid-Elastic Solid Interaction and Contact Simulation
- Schur Complement-based Substructuring of Stiff Multibody Systems with Contact
- Multi-Style Generative Adversarial Terrain Amplification
- Biomimetic Eye Modeling & Deep Neuromuscular Oculomotor Control
October 20, 2019
- OpenSketch: A Richly-Annotated Dataset of Product Design Sketches
October 17, 2019
- Mandoline: Robust Cut-Cell Generation for Arbitrary Triangle Meshes
October 15, 2019
- ZoomOut: Spectral Upsampling for Efficient Shape Correspondence
October 14, 2019
- Wirtinger Holography for Near-Eye Displays
- Learning Efficient Illumination Multiplexing for Joint Capture of Reflectance and Shape
October 5, 2019
- A Thermomechanical Material Point Method for Baking and Cooking
- Checkerboard Patterns with Black Rectangles
- Adversarial Monte Carlo Denoising with Conditioned Auxiliary Feature Modulation
October 4, 2019
- Neural Style-Preserving Visual Dubbing
October 1, 2019
- Consistent Shepard Interpolation for SPH-Based Fluid Animation
September 28, 2019
- A Novel Framework For Inverse Procedural Texture Modeling
September 24, 2019
- Automatically Translating Image Processing Libraries to Halide
September 23, 2019
- DiCE: Dichoptic Contrast Enhancement for VR and Stereo Displays
- Reducing Simulator Sickness with Perceptual Camera Control
- Taichi: A Language for High-Performance Computation on Spatially Sparse Data Structures
September 22, 2019
- Dynamic Hair Modeling from Monocular Videos using Deep Neural Networks
- Learning Efficient Illumination Multiplexing for Joint Capture of Reflectance and Shape
September 20, 2019
- 3D Ken Burns Effect from a Single Image
- Integral formulations of volumetric transmittance
September 17, 2019
- Mitsuba 2: A Retargetable Forward and Inverse Renderer
- Adversarial Monte Carlo Denoising with Conditioned Auxiliary Feature Modulation
- Integral formulations of volumetric transmittance
- Selectively Metropolised Monte Carlo light transport simulation
- Non-linear sphere tracing for rendering deformed signed distance fields
- Cubic Stylization
September 10, 2019
- MIS Compensation: Optimizing Sampling Techniques in Multiple Importance Sampling
- Integral formulations of volumetric transmittance
September 8, 2019
- Learning Predict-and-Simulate Policies From Unorganized Human Motion Data
- Animating Landscape: Self-Supervised Learning of Decoupled Motion and Appearance for Single-Image Video Synthesis
- Variance-Aware Multiple Importance Sampling
- Learning an Intrinsic Garment Space for Interactive Authoring of Garment Animation
- Reducing Simulator Sickness with Perceptual Camera Control
- Deep Point Correlation Design
- Design and Structural Optimization of Topological Interlocking Assemblies
- RPM-Net: Recurrent Prediction of Motion and Parts from Point Cloud
- Terrain Amplification with Implicit 3D Features
(TOG Paper)
September 7, 2019
- Language-based Colorization of Scene Sketches
- Learning Body Shape Variation in Physics-based Characters
- Learning Generative Models for Rendering Specular Microgeometry
- GradNet: Unsupervised Deep Screened Poisson Reconstruction for Gradient-Domain Rendering
- Chebyshev Nets from Commuting PolyVector Fields
- DeepRemaster: Temporal Source-Reference Attention Networks for Comprehensive Video Enhancement
- A Scalable Galerkin Multigrid Method for Real-time Simulation of Deformable Objects
- Automatically Translating Image Processing Libraries to Halide
- Acoustic texture rendering for extended sources in complex scenes
- SoftCon: Simulation and Control of Soft-Bodied Animals with Biomimetic Actuators
- Learned Large Field-of-View Imaging With Thin-Plate Optics
- Curve-pleated Structures
- Discrete Geodesic Parallel Coordinates
- Checkerboard Patterns with Black Rectangles
- ScalarFlow: A Large-Scale Volumetric Data Set of Real-world Scalar Transport Flows for Computer Animation and Machine Learning
- Differentiable Surface Splatting for Point-based Geometry Processing
- Taichi: A Language for High-Performance Computation on Spatially Sparse Data Structures
- A Differential Theory of Radiative Transfer
- Adversarial Monte Carlo Denoising with Conditioned Auxiliary Feature Modulation
- Accelerated Complex Step Finite Difference for Expedient Deformable Simulation
- Staged Metaprogramming for Shader System Development
- Accelerating ADMM for efficient simulation and optimization
August 29, 2019
- Hierarchical and View-invariant Light Field Segmentation by Maximizing Entropy Rate on 4D Ray Graphs
August 28, 2019
- Computational LEGO Technic Design
- SDM-NET: Deep Generative Network for Structured Deformable Mesh
August 27, 2019
- Holographic Near-Eye Displays Based on Overlap-Add Stereograms
- Distortion-Minimizing Injective Maps Between Surfaces
August 22, 2019
- Carpentry Compiler
- Design and Structural Optimization of Topological Interlocking Assemblies
- Video-Guided Real-to-Virtual Parameter Transfer for Viscous Fluids
- RPM-Net: Recurrent Prediction of Motion and Parts from Point Cloud
- Neural State Machine for Goal-Directed Character Control
- Computational LEGO Technic Design
August 19, 2019
- A Multi-Scale Model for Coupling Strands with Shear-Dependent Liquid
August 13, 2019
- Write-A-Video: Computational Video Montage for Themed Text
August 11, 2019
- Comic-Guided Speech Synthesis
- A Thermomechanical Material Point Method for Baking and Cooking
August 7, 2019
- StructureNet: Hierarchical Graph Networks for 3D Shape Generation
- Learning an intrinsic garment space for interactive authoring of garment animation
- Deep Face Normalization
- Reducing Simulator Sickness with Perceptual Camera Control
- Learning Efficient Illumination Multiplexing for Joint Capture of Reflectance and Shape
- Deep Point Correlation Design
- DeepFovea: Neural Reconstruction for Foveated Rendering and Video Compression using Learned Statistics of Natural Videos
- LOGAN: Unpaired Shape Transform in Latent Overcomplete Space
- Transport-Based Neural Style Transfer for Smoke Simulations
- SDM-NET: Deep Generative Network for Structured Deformable Mesh
- Acoustic texture rendering for extended sources in complex scenes
- Page published