This page tracks the new paper links made to my list of SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 papers.
Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.
February 17, 2015
December 16, 2014
- Autocomplete Painting Repetitions
- Sketch Classification and Classification-Driven Analysis using Fisher Vectors
- Rendering Volumetric Haptic Shapes in Mid-air Using Ultrasound
- Robust Iso-Surface Tracking for Interactive Character Skinning
- Appearance-from-Motion: Recovering Spatially Varying Surface Reflectance under Unknown Lighting
- Temporally Coherent Local Tone Mapping of HDR Video
- Yarn-Level Simulation of Woven Cloth
- Topology-constrained Synthesis of Vector Patterns
- High-Quality Capture of Eyes
- Deep Shading Buffers on Commodity GPUs
- Hierarchical Diffusion Curves for Accurate Automatic Image Vectorization
- Automatic Acquisition of High-fidelity Facial Performance Using Monocular videos
December 11, 2014
- Fast Burst Images Denoising
- Leveraging Depth Cameras and Wearbale Pressure Sensors for Full-body Kinematics and dynamics Capture
- Residual Ratio Tracking for Estimating Attenuation in Heterogeneous Volumes
- A Framework for the Experimental Comparison of Solar and Skydome Illumination
November 1, 2014
- BiggerPicture: Data-Driven Image Extrapolation Using Graph Matching
- Automatic Semantic Modeling of Indoor Scenes from Low-quality RGB-D Data using Contextual Information
- Data-driven Segmentation and Labeling of Freehand Sketches
- ConstructAide: Analyzing and Visualizing Construction Sites through Photographs and Building Models
- Strict Minimizers for Geometric Optimization
- Residual Ratio Tracking for Estimating Attenuation in Heterogeneous Volumes
- Robust Iso-Surface Tracking for Interactive Character Skinning
- Slippage-free Background Replacement for Hand-held Video
- SPGrid: A Sparse Paged Grid Structure Applied to Adaptive Smoke Simulation
- MoSh: Motion and Shape Capture from Sparse Markers
- Whippletree: Task-based Scheduling of Dynamic Workloads on the GPU
- Dynamic Hair Capture using Spacetime Optimization
- Automatic Shader Simplification Using Surface Signal Approximation
October 14, 2014
- FlexISP: A Flexible Camera Image Processing Framework
October 7, 2014
- Improved Sampling for Gradient-Domain Metropolis Light Transport
- Imagining the Unseen: Stability-based Cuboid Arrangements for Scene Understanding
- Massively-parallel vector graphics
- Local Barycentric Coordinates
- Particle-particle Particle-mesh (PPPM) Fast Summation For Fluids and beyond (N-body Dynamics)
- Skinning Cubic Bezier Splines and Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces
- Fast Burst Images Denoising
- Toward BxDF Display using Multilayer Diffraction
- Windy Trees: Computing Stress Response for Developmental Tree Models
- Quality-driven Poisson-guided Autoscanning
- Approximate Pyramidal Shape Decomposition
- Autocomplete Painting Repetitions
- Mirror Mirror: Crowdsourcing Better Portraits
- TrackCam: 3D-aware Tracking Shots from Consumer Video
- Local random-phase noise for procedural texturing
- Morfit: Interactive Surface Reconstruction from Incomplete Point Clouds with Curve-Driven Topology and Geometry Control
- FlexISP: A Flexible Camera Image Processing Framework
- Robust Surface Reconstruction via Dictionary Learning
- Improving Visual Quality of View Transitions in Automultiscopic Displays
September 25, 2014
- Creating Works-Like Prototypes of Mechanical Objects
September 23, 2014
- Generating and Ranking Diverse Multi-Character Interactions
- Locomotion Control for Many-Muscle Humanoids
- Creating Works-Like Prototypes of Mechanical Objects
- Capturing Braided Hairstyles
- Spatial-spectral Encoded Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
- Anisotropic Simplicial Meshing Using Local Convex Functions
- Assembling Self-Supporting Structures
- Appearance-Mimicking Surfaces
September 22, 2014
- Co-Constrained Handles for Deformation in Shape Collections
- A Framework for Transient Rendering
- Creating Consistent Scene Graphs Using a Probabilistic Grammar
- Interactive Intrinsic Video Editing
- Appearance-from-Motion: Recovering Spatially Varying Surface Reflectance under Unknown Lighting
- Improved Sampling for Gradient-Domain Metropolis Light Transport
- Field-Aligned Mesh Joinery
(TOG Paper)
September 21, 2014
- SceneGrok: Inferring Action Maps in 3D Environments
September 18, 2014
- Dual Strip Weaving: Interactive Design of Quad Layouts using Elastica Strips
- Level-of-Detail Quad Meshing
- Automatic Shader Simplification Using Surface Signal Approximation
- Leveraging Depth Cameras and Wearbale Pressure Sensors for Full-body Kinematics and dynamics Capture
- Automatic Acquisition of High-fidelity Facial Performance Using Monocular videos
September 17, 2014
- Capturing Braided Hairstyles
- Windy Trees: Computing Stress Response for Developmental Tree Models
- Multiple-Fluid SPH Simulation Using a Mixture Model
(TOG Paper)
- Quality-driven Poisson-guided Autoscanning
- Morfit: Interactive Surface Reconstruction from Incomplete Point Clouds with Curve-Driven Topology and Geometry Control
September 15, 2014
- Mirror Mirror: Crowdsourcing Better Portraits
- Real-time Shading-based Refinement for Consumer Depth Cameras
- TrackCam: 3D-aware Tracking Shots from Consumer Video
- Local random-phase noise for procedural texturing
- Massively-parallel vector graphics
- A Framework for the Experimental Comparison of Solar and Skydome Illumination
September 14, 2014
- Topology-constrained Synthesis of Vector Patterns
- Robust Surface Reconstruction via Dictionary Learning
- Local Barycentric Coordinates
- Structure Completion for Facade Layouts
- SceneGrok: Inferring Action Maps in 3D Environments
- Dynamic Hair Capture using Spacetime Optimization
- Capturing Braided Hairstyles
- Creating Consistent Scene Graphs Using a Probabilistic Grammar
- Creating Works-Like Prototypes of Mechanical Objects
- Imagining the Unseen: Stability-based Cuboid Arrangements for Understanding Cluttered Indoor Scenes
- Spatial-spectral Encoded Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
- Anisotropic Simplicial Meshing Using Local Convex Functions
- Assembling Self-Supporting Structures
- A Framework for Transient Rendering
- Fast and Exact Continuous Collision Detection with Bernstein Sign Classification
- Approximate Pyramidal Shape Decomposition
- Morfit: Interactive Surface Reconstruction from Incomplete Point Clouds with Curve-Driven Topology and Geometry Control
- Quality-driven Poisson-guided Autoscanning
- Slippage-free Background Replacement for Hand-held Video
- Locomotion Control for Many-Muscle Humanoids
- Generating and Ranking Diverse Multi-Character Interactions
- Skinning Cubic Bezier Splines and Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces
- Yarn-Level Simulation of Woven Cloth
- Hierarchical Diffusion Curves for Accurate Automatic Image Vectorization
- Autocomplete Painting Repetitions
September 6, 2014
- Co-Constrained Handles for Deformation in Shape Collections
- Page published