This page tracks the new paper links made to our list of SIGGRAPH 2011 papers.
Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.
September 7, 2011
- A Quantized-Diffusion Model for Rendering Translucent Materials
- Sensitive Couture for Interactive Garment Design
August 28, 2011
- Switchable Primaries Using Shiftable Layers of Color Filter Arrays
August 20, 2011
- Spin Transformations of Discrete Surfaces
August 17, 2011
- Spark: Modular, Composable Shaders for Graphics Hardware
- Realtime Performance-Based Facial Animation
August 15, 2011
- Make it Home: Automatic Optimization of Furniture Arrangement
- Example-based Image Color and Tone Style Enhancement
- Microgeometry Capture Using an Elastomeric Sensor
August 13, 2011
- Making Burr Puzzles from 3D Models
August 2, 2011
- Large-Scale Dynamic Simulation of Highly Constrained Strands
July 29, 2011
- Eulerian Solid Simulation With Contact
July 28, 2011
- Added ACM DOIs
- Sensitive Couture for Interactive Garment Design
- Nonlinear Revision Control for Images
July 27, 2011
- Physics-Inspired Upsampling for Cloth Simulation in Games
July 23, 2011
- MeshFlow: Interactive Visualization of Mesh Construction Sequences
July 19, 2011
- Converting 3D Furniture Models to Fabricatable Parts and Connectors
July 16, 2011
- Interactive Region-based Linear 3D Face Models
July 14, 2011
- Sync with table-of-contents for the SIGGRAPH 2011 proceedings
July 9, 2011
- Temporal Light Field Reconstruction for Rendering Distribution Effects
- Composite Control of Physically Simulated Characters
July 1, 2011
- A Versatile HDR Video Production System
- Converting 3D Furniture Models to Fabricatable Parts and Connectors
June 28, 2011
- Clipless Dual-Space Bounds for Faster Stochastic Rasterization
June 27, 2011
- Motion Capture From Body-Mounted Cameras
June 26, 2011
- A Programmable System for Artistic Volumetric Lighting
June 22, 2011
- A Versatile HDR Video Production System
June 21, 2011
- A Versatile HDR Video Production System
June 15, 2011
- High-Quality Spatio-Temporal Rendering using Semi-Analytical Visibility
June 13, 2011
- MeshFlow: Interactive Visualization of Mesh Construction Sequences
June 8, 2011
- ShadowDraw: Real-Time User Guidance for Freehand Drawing
June 7, 2011
- LR: Compact Connectivity Representation for Triangle Meshes
June 3, 2011
- Physically-Based Real-Time Lens Flare Rendering
June 2, 2011
- Microgeometry Capture Using an Elastomeric Sensor
- Two-Scale Particle Simulation
- Discrete Laplacians on General Polygonal Meshes
- Frequency Analysis and Sheared Filtering for Shadow Light Fields of Complex Occluders
(TOG Paper)
May 31, 2011
- Illumination Decomposition for Material Recoloring with Consistent Interreflections
- Pocket Reflectometry
- Texture-Lobes for Tree Modelling
- A Geometric Study of V-style Pop-ups: Theories and Algorithms
- LR: Compact Connectivity Representation for Triangle Meshes
- Space-time Planning with Parameterized Locomotion Controllers
May 30, 2011
- Spin Transformations of Discrete Surfaces
May 25, 2011
- Domain Transform for Edge-Aware Image and Video Processing
- OverCoat: An Implicit Canvas for 3D Painting
May 24, 2011
- Video-based Characters - Creating New Human Performances from a Multi-view Video Database
- Efficient Elasticity for Character Skinning with Contact and Collisions
May 19, 2011
- Real-Time Large-Deformation Substructuring
- Solid Simulation with Oriented Particles
- Real-Time Eulerian Water Simulation Using a Restricted Tall Cell Grid
- A Perceptual Model for Disparity
- Leveraging Motion Capture and 3D Scanning for High-Fidelity Facial Performance Acquisition
- Global Registration of Dynamic Range Scans for Articulated Model Reconstruction
(TOG Paper)
- Physically Based Real-Time Lens Flare Rendering
May 15, 2011
- HOT: Hodge-Optimized Triangulations
May 11, 2011
- Locomotion Skills for Simulated Quadrupeds
- Realtime Performance-Based Facial Animation
- Differential Domain Analysis for Non-uniform Sampling
- Exploring Photobios
- Circular arc structures
May 10, 2011
- Toward High-Quality Modal Contact Sound
- Animating Fire With Sound
- On the Velocity of an Implicit Surface
(TOG Paper)
- Interactive Furniture Layout Using Interior Design Guidelines
May 9, 2011
- Motion Reconstruction Using Sparse Accelerometer Data
- Shape google: Geometric words and expressions for invariant shape retrieval
(TOG Paper)
- A Nonsmooth Newton Solver for Capturing Exact Coulomb Friction in Fiber Assemblies
(TOG Paper)
- Interactive and Anisotropic Geometry Processing Using the Screened Poisson Equation
- Dinus: Double insertion, nonuniform, stationary subdivision surfaces
(TOG Paper)
- An Efficient Scheme for Curve and Surface Construction Based on a Set of Interpolatory Basis Functions
- Frame-based Elastic Models
(TOG Paper)
- Sparse Meshless Models of Complex Deformable Objects
(TOG Paper)
- Non-Rigid Dense Correspondence with Applications for Image Enhancement
- Biharmonic Distance
(TOG Paper)
- A PML-Based Nonreflective Boundary for Free Surface Fluid Animation
(TOG Paper)
- Interactive Editing of Massive Imagery Made Simple: Turning Atlanta into Atlantis
(TOG Paper)
- Locomotion Skills for Simulated Quadrupeds
May 7, 2011
- Layered 3D: Tomographic Image Synthesis for Attenuation-based Light Field and High Dynamic Range Displays
- Efficient Maximal Poisson-Disk Sampling
- Digital Micrography
- Realtime Performance-Based Facial Animation
- Photo-Inspired Model-Driven 3D Object Modeling
- Probabilistic Reasoning for Assembly-Based 3D Modeling
- Depixelizing Pixel Art
- Blended Intrinsic Maps
- CATRA: Cataract Probe with a Lightfield Display and a Snap-on Eyepiece for Mobile Phones
- Temporal Light Field Reconstruction for Rendering Distribution Effects
- Color Compatibility from Large Datasets
- Discrete Element Textures
- Filtering Solid Gabor Noise
- Bounded Biharmonic Weights for Real-Time Deformation
- Example-Based Elastic Materials
- High-Quality Passive Facial Performance Capture Using Anchor Frames
- Computational Stereo Camera System With Programmable Control Loop
- Expression Flow for 3D-Aware Face Component Transfer
May 5, 2011
- Tonal Stabilization of Video
- Perceptually Based Tone Mapping for Low-Light Conditions
- Spin Transformations of Discrete Surfaces
- GlobFit: Consistently Fitting Primitives by Discovering Global Relations
- Exploration of Continuous Variability in Collections of 3D Shapes
- Pocket Reflectometry
- Spark: Modular, Composable Shaders for Graphics Hardware
- Local Laplacian Filters: Edge-aware Image Processing with a Laplacian Pyramid
May 4, 2011
- Locomotion Skills for Simulated Quadrupeds
- Data-Driven Elastic Models for Cloth: Modeling and Measurement
- Articulated Swimming Creatures
- Building Volumetric Appearance Models of Fabric using Micro CT Imaging
- HDR-VDP-2: A calibrated visual metric for visibility and quality predictions in all luminance conditions
- Interactive Region-based Linear 3D Face Models
- Character Animation in Two-player Adversarial Games
(TOG Paper)
- Space-time Planning with Parameterized Locomotion Controllers
(TOG Paper)
May 2, 2011
- High-Quality Passive Facial Performance Capture Using Anchor Frames
- Bounded Biharmonic Weights for Real-Time Deformation
- A Quantized-Diffusion Model for Rendering Translucent Materials
- Physics-Inspired Upsampling for Cloth Simulation in Games
- Computational Stereo Camera System With Programmable Control Loop
April 29, 2011
- Progressive Photon Mapping: A Probabilistic Approach
(TOG Paper)
- Blue-Noise Point Sampling using Kernel Density Model
April 27, 2011
- Scalable and Coherent Video Resizing with Per-Frame Optimization
April 24, 2011
- Guide shapes for high resolution naturalistic liquid simulation
- Matting and Compositing of Transparent and Refractive Objects
(TOG Paper)
- Temporally Coherent Completion of Dynamic Shapes
(TOG Paper)
- Realtime performance-based facial animation
April 18, 2011
- Two-Scale Particle Simulation
April 15, 2011
- HOT: Hodge-Optimized Triangulations
- Spark: Modular, Composable Shaders for Graphics Hardware
- Laplacian Filters: Edge-aware Image Processing with a Laplacian Pyramid
April 13, 2011
- High-Quality Spatio-Temporal Rendering using Semi-Analytical Visibility
- Texture-Lobes for Tree Modelling
- Antialiasing Recovery
(TOG Paper)
- Exploration of Continuous Variability in Collections of 3D Shapes
- Hodge-Optimized Triangulations
- Filtering Solid Gabor Noise
April 11, 2011
- Image and Video Upscaling from Local Self-Examples
(TOG Paper)
- Interactive Architectural Modeling with Procedural Extrusions
(TOG Paper)
- Progressive Photon Mapping: A Probabilistic Approach
(TOG Paper)
April 9, 2011
- Exploring Photobios
- Expression Flow for 3D-Aware Face Component Transfer
- Character Animation in Two-player Adversarial Games
(TOG Paper)
- A Comprehensive Theory of Volumetric Radiance Estimation using Photon Points and Beams
April 7, 2011
- Characterizing Structural Relationships in Scenes Using Graph Kernels
- Color Compatibility from Large Datasets
- Subspace Video Stabilization
(TOG Paper)
- ShadowDraw: Real-Time User Guidance for Freehand Drawing
- On the Velocity of an Implicit Surface
(TOG Paper)
- Efficient Elasticity for Character Skinning with Contact and Collisions
- Leveraging Motion Capture and 3D Scanning for High-Fidelity Facial Performance Acquisition
- Physically-valid Statistical Motion Models for Human Motion Synthesis
(TOG Paper)
- Geodesic Image and Video Editing
(TOG Paper)
- Discrete Element Textures
- Contributing Vertices-Based Minkowski Sum of a Non-Convex--Convex Pair of Polyhedra
(TOG Paper)
- Frame-based Elastic Models
(TOG Paper)
- Sparse Meshless Models of Complex Deformable Objects
- Make it Home: Automatic Optimization of Furniture Arrangement
- Making Burr Puzzles from 3D Models
April 6, 2011
- Metropolis Procedural Modeling
(TOG Paper)
- Temporal Light Field Reconstruction for Rendering Distribution Effects
- Clipless Dual-Space Bounds for Faster Stochastic Rasterization
- CATRA: Cataract Probe with a Lightfield Display and a Snap-on Eyepiece for Mobile Phones
April 5, 2011
- Highlighted DOF Photography: Shining Light on Focus
(TOG Paper)
- Switchable Primaries Using Shiftable Layers of Color Filter Arrays
- Thick 3D: Tomographic Image Generation for Attenuation-based Light Field and High Dynamic Range Displays
- CATRA: Cataract Probe with a Lightfield Display and a Snap-on Eyepiece for Mobile Phones
- Solid Simulation with Oriented Particles
- Real-Time Eulerian Water Simulation Using a Restricted Tall Cell Grid
- Image-Guided Weathering: A New Approach Applied to Flow Phenomena
(TOG Paper)
- A Versatile HDR Video Production System
- Cache-Oblivious Ray Reordering
(TOG Paper)
April 4, 2011
- Spin Transformations of Discrete Surfaces
- Example-based Image Color and Tone Style Enhancement
- Nonlinear Revision Control for Images
- Differential Domain Analysis for Non-uniform Sampling
- Blended Intrinsic Maps
- Circular arc structures
April 3, 2011
- A Perceptual Model for Disparity
- Probabilistic Reasoning for Assembly-Based 3D Modeling
- Interactive Furniture Layout Using Interior Design Guidelines
- Texture-Lobes for Tree Modelling
- Photo-Inspired Model-Driven 3D Object Modeling
- Illumination Decomposition for Material Recoloring with Consistent Interreflections
- Data-Driven Elastic Models for Cloth: Modeling and Measurement
- Frequency Analysis and Sheared Filtering for Shadow Light Fields of Complex Occluders
- Efficient Maximal Poisson-Disk Sampling
March 31, 2011
- Decoupled Sampling for Graphics Pipelines
(TOG Paper)
- A Quantized-Diffusion Model for Rendering Translucent Materials
- GlobFit: Consistently Fitting Primitives by Discovering Global Relations
- Texture Lobe for Tree Modelling
- Video-based Characters - Creating New Human Performances from a Multi-view Video Database
- L1-sparse Reconstruction of Sharp Point Set Surfaces
(TOG Paper)
- Image-Guided Weathering: A New Approach Applied to Flow Phenomena
(TOG Paper)
- Building Volumetric Appearance Models of Fabric using Micro CT Imaging
- Edge-Aware Color Appearance
(TOG Paper)
March 30, 2011
- Depixelizing Pixel Art
- A Geometric Study of V-style Pop-ups: Theories and Algorithms
- GlobFit: Consistently Fitting Primitives by Discovering Global Relations