This page tracks the new paper links made to our list of SIGGRAPH 2010 papers.
Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang.
If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.
November 21, 2010
October 8, 2010
- A Synthetic-Vision-Based Steering Approach for Crowd Simulation
August 10 2010
- Simulating Virtual Environments within Virtual Environments as the Basis for a Psychophysics of Presence
August 9 2010
- A Simple Geometric Model for Elastic Deformations
- An Artist Friendly Hair Shading System
- Improving Chen & Han's Algorithm on the Discrete Geodesic Problem
- Fool Me Twice: Exploring and Exploiting Error Tolerance in Physics-Based Animation
- NETRA: Interactive Display for Estimating Refractive Errors and Focal Range
August 6 2010
- Manifold Bootstrapping for SVBRDF Capture
- Fabricating Spatially-Varying Subsurface Scattering
August 5, 2010
- Matching Fluid Simulation Elements to Surface Geometry and Topology
July 20, 2010
- Sampling-based Contact-rich Motion Control
- By-example Synthesis of Architectural Textures
- Efficient Yarn-based Cloth with Adaptive Contact Linearization
- A Deformation Transformer for Real-Time Cloth Animation
- A Novel Algorithm for Incompressible Flow Using Only a Coarse Grid Projection
- Lp Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation and its Applications
- Data-Driven Biped Control
- Added ACM DOI link
- Feature-Preserving Triangular Geometry Images for Level-of-Detail Representation of Static and Skinned Meshes
July 19, 2010
- Structure-Based ASCII Art
July 12, 2010
- Motion-based Video Retargeting with Optimized Crop-and-Warp
June 25, 2010
- VideoMocap: Modeling Physically Realistic Human Motion from Monocular Video Sequences
June 18, 2010
- Apparent Display Resolution Enhancement for Moving Images
- Programmable Motion Effects
- Personal photo enhancement using example images
- Multi-scale Image Harmonization
- Fabricating Spatially-Varying Subsurface Scattering
- Manifold Bootstrapping for SVBRDF Capture
June 11, 2010
- Multi-scale Image Harmonization
- Triangle Surfaces with Discrete Equivalence Classes
- NETRA: Interactive Display for Estimating Refractive Errors and Focal Range
June 10, 2010
- Camouflage Images
- Popup: Automatic Paper Architectures from 3D Models
June 9, 2010
- Programmable Rendering of Line Drawing From 3D Scenes
- Street Slide: Browsing Street Level Imagery
June 3, 2010
- Sync with Program
- Discrete Viscous Threads
- Multi-scale Image Harmonization
- Smoothed Local Histogram Filters
- Precomputed Wave Simulation for Real-Time Sound Propagation of Dynamic Sources in Complex Scenes
June 2, 2010
- Toward Evaluating Material Design Interface Paradigms for Novice Users
- envyLight: An Interface for Editing Natural Illumination
May 31, 2010
- Generalized Biped Walking Control
May 29, 2010
- Physical Reproduction of Materials with Specified Subsurface Scattering
- Filament based smoke with vortex shedding and variational reconnection
May 28, 2010
- PantaRay: Fast Ray-traced Occlusion Caching of Massive Scenes
- Unstructured Video-Based Rendering: Interactive Exploration of Casually Captured Videos
- A Coaxial Optical Scanner for Synchronous Acquisition of 3D Geometry and Surface Reflectance
- Parametric Reshaping of Human Bodies in Images
- A Multi-Resolution approach to Heat Kernels on Discrete Surfaces
- Subtle Gaze Direction
(TOG Paper)
- Feature-Preserving Triangular Geometry Images for Level-of-Detail Representation of Static and Skinned Meshes
(TOG Paper)
- Ambient Point Clouds for View Interpolation
- High-Quality Single-Shot Capture of Facial Geometry
- Design and Fabrication of Materials with Desired Deformation Behavior
May 26, 2009
- Nonlinear Disparity Mapping for Stereoscopic 3D
- Illustrating How Mechanical Assemblies Work
- Non-local Scan Consolidation for 3D Urban Scene
- Effects of Global Illumination Approximations on Material Appearance
- Gesture Controllers
May 25, 2010
- Spatial Relationship Preserving Character Motion Adaptation
May 20, 2009
- Temporal Upsamplng of Performance Geometry Using Photometric Alignment
- 2.5D Cartoon Models
Sounding Liquids: Automatic Sound Synthesis From Fluid Simulation
- Accurate Multidimensional Poisson-Disk Sampling
- GradientShop: A Gradient-Domain Optimization Framework for Image and Video Filtering
- Distributed Gradient-Domain Processing of Planar and Spherical Images
- Mesh Colors
- Fool Me Twice: Exploring and Exploiting Error Tolerance in Physics-Based Animation
- 3D Modeling With Silhouettes
- Underwater Cloth Simulation With Fractional Derivatives
- On Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation ¡V Energy Smoothness and Fast Computation
- Topology- and Error-Driven Extension of Scalar Functions From Surfaces to Volumes
- Geometry-Aware Direction Field Processing
- SmartBoxes for Interactive Urban Reconstruction
- Toward a Perceptual Space for Gloss
- Learning Behavior Styles with Inverse Reinforcement Learning
May 19, 2009
- Discrete Scale Axis Representations for 3D Geometry
- A Wave-based Anisotropic Quadrangulation Method
May 18, 2010
- Stable Spaces for Real-time Clothing
- PantaRay: Fast Ray-traced Occlusion Caching of Massive Scenes
- Unified Simulation of Elastic Rods, Shells, and Solids
- Diffusion Coded Photography for Extended Depth of Field
- Toward Evaluating Material Design Interface Paradigms for Novice Users
- High-Quality Single-Shot Capture of Facial Geometry
- Programmable Motion Effects
- By-example Synthesis of Architectural Textures
- Lp Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation and its Applications
- Filament based smoke with vortex shedding and variational reconnection
- Simulating Virtual Environments within Virtual Environments as the Basis for a Psychophysics of Presence
- Triangle Surfaces with Discrete Equivalence Classes
- Parameterizing Subdivision Surfaces
- A Deformation Transformer for Real-Time Cloth Animation
- Symmetry Factored Embedding And Distance
May 17, 2010
- OptiX: A General Purpose Ray Tracing Engine
May 16, 2010
- Rigid-Body Fracture Sound with Precomputed Soundbanks
May 14, 2010
- Volume Contact Constraints at Arbitrary Resolution
- Geodesic patterns
- Example-based Facial Rigging
- Matching Fluid Simulation Elements to Surface Geometry and Topology
- Seeing is Believing: Body Motion Dominates in Multisensory Conversations
- Feature-Based Locomotion Controllers
- Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning
- Optimal Feedback Control for Character Animation Using an Abstract Model
- High Resolution Passive Facial Performance Capture
- Real-Time Lens Blur Effects and Focus Control
- A Multi-layered Display with Water Drops
May 12, 2010
- Discrete Scale Axis Representations for 3D Geometry
- Paneling Architectural Freeform Surfaces
- Spatial Relationship Preserving Character Motion Adaptation
- Apparent Layer Operations for the Manipulation of Deformable Objects
May 10, 2010
- Seeing is Believing: Body Motion Dominates in Multisensory Conversations
- Terrain-Adaptive Bipedal Locomotion Control
- Controllable Conformal Maps for Shape Deformation and Interpolation
- Physics-Inspired Topology Changes for Thin Fluid Features
- A Multiscale Approach to Mesh-based Surface Tension Flows
- Subspace Self-Collision Culling
- Optimizing Walking Controllers for Uncertain Inputs and Environments
- RepFinder: Finding Approximately Repeated Scene Elements for Image Editing
May 9, 2010
May 8, 2010
- Dynamic Local Remeshing for Elastoplastic Simulation
May 7, 2010
- Generalized Biped Walking Control
- A Practical Simulation of Dispersed Bubble Flow
May 6, 2010
- Feature-aligned T-meshes
- Star-Contours for Efficient Hierarchical Self-Collision Detection
- The Frankencamera: an Experimental Platform for Computational Photography
- Reducing Shading on GPUs using Quad-Fragment Merging
- Feature-Based Locomotion Controllers
- Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning
- Example-Based Wrinkle Synthesis for Clothing Animation
May 5, 2010
- A radiative transfer framework for rendering materials with anisotropic structure
- Edge-based image coarsening
- Synthesizing Structured Image Hybrids
- Learning 3D Mesh Segmentation and Labeling
May 4, 2010
- A Connection between Partial Symmetry and Inverse Procedural Modeling
- An Artist Friendly Hair Shading System
- Video Tapestries with Continuous Temporal Zoom
- Learning Behavior Styles with Inverse Reinforcement Learning
May 3, 2010
- Image Warps for Artistic Perspective Manipulation
May 2, 2010
- Acquisition and Analysis of Bispectral Bidirectional Reflectance and Reradiation Distribution Functions
April 30, 2010
- Vector Solid Textures
- Interactive Hair Rendering Under Environment Lighting
- Line Space Gathering for Single Scattering in Large Scenes
- Micropolygon Ray Tracing with Defocus and Motion Blur
- Synthesizing Structured Image Hybrids
- Paneling Architectural Freeform Surfaces
- Image Deblurring using Inertial Measurement Sensors
- Example-Based Wrinkle Synthesis for Clothing Animation
- Interactive On-Surface Signal Deformation
April 26, 2010
- Illustrating How Mechanical Assemblies Work
- Camouflage Images
April 23, 2010
- Using blur to affect perceived distance and size
- Modeling and Rendering of Impossible Figures
- An efficient multigrid method for the simulation of high-resolution elastic solids
- Personal photo enhancement using example images
- K-set Tilable Surfaces
- Data-Driven Biped Control
April 22, 2010
- Matching Fluid Simulation Elements to Surface Geometry and Topology
April 19, 2010
- Modeling and Rendering of Impossible Figures
- K-set Tilable Surfaces
April 15, 2010
- From Image Parsing to Painterly Rendering
April 14, 2010
- Paneling Architectural Freeform Surfaces
- Discrete Scale Axis Representations for 3D Geometry
April 13, 2010
- Interactive Generation of Human Animation with Deformable Motion Models
- Face poser: Interactive modeling of 3D facial expressions using facial priors
April 12, 2010
- Gesture Controllers
- VideoMocap: Modeling Physically Realistic Human Motion from Monocular Video Sequences
- Apparent Display Resolution Enhancement for Moving Images
- Sampling-based Contact-rich Motion Control
- Precomputed Wave Simulation for Real-Time Sound Propagation of Dynamic Sources in Complex Scenes
- Controllable Conformal Maps for Shape Deformation and Interpolation
- Nonlinear Disparity Mapping for Stereoscopic 3D
- Multi-Class Blue Noise Sampling
- Reducing Shading on GPUs using Quad-Fragment Merging
- Terrain-Adaptive Bipedal Locomotion Control
- Illustrating How Mechanical Assemblies Work
April 8, 2010
- Optimizing Walking Controllers for Uncertain Inputs and Environments
- High Resolution Passive Facial Performance Capture
- A framework for modeling 3D scenes using pose-free equations
- Optimal Feedback Control for Character Animation Using an Abstract Model
April 7, 2010
- Real-Time Lens Blur Effects and Focus Control
- Coded Aperture Projection
- SEVA: Interactive Display for Self-evaluation of an Eye for Visual Accommodation and Focal Range
- An efficient multigrid method for the simulation of high-resolution elastic solids
- Comprehensive Biomechanical Modeling and Simulation of the Upper Body
- A simple approach to nonlinear tensile stiffness for accurate cloth simulation
- A Wave-based Anisotropic Quadrangulation Method
- Photorealistic Models for Pupil Light Reflex and Iridal Pattern Deformation
- Camouflage Images
- Motion-based Video Retargeting with Optimized Crop-and-Warp
April 6, 2010
- Non-local Scan Consolidation for 3D Urban Scenes
- SmartBoxes for Interactive Architectural Reconstruction
- Design and Fabrication of Materials with Desired Deformation Behavior
- Physical Reproduction of Materials with Specified Subsurface Scattering
- Multi-scale Image Harmonization
- Personalized Image Enhancement
April 5, 2010
- A radiative transfer framework for rendering materials with anisotropic structure
- A Multi-layered Display with Water Drops
- Parametric Reshaping of Human Bodies in Images
- Micropolygon Ray Tracing with Defocus and Motion Blur
- Line Space Gathering for Single Scattering in Large Scenes
- Interactive Hair Rendering Under Environment Lighting
- Vector Solid Textures
April 4, 2010
- Non-local Scan Consolidation for 3D Urban Scenes
- SmartBoxes for Interactive Architectural Reconstruction
- Matching Fluid Simulation Elements to Surface Geometry and Topology
April 3, 2010
- The Frankencamera: an Experimental Platform for Computational Photography
- Popup: Automatic Paper Architectures from 3D Models
- Example-Based Wrinkle Synthesis for Clothing Animation
- Dynamic Local Remeshing for Elastoplastic Simulation
- Using blur to affect perceived distance and size
April 2, 2010
- Parametric Reshaping of Human Bodies in Images
- A Practical Simulation of Dispersed Bubble Flow
- Interactive On-Surface Signal Deformation
- Acquisition and Analysis of Bispectral BRDFs
April 1, 2010
- Finding Approximately Repeated Scene Elements for Image Editing
- Example-based Facial Rigging
- A Connection between Partial Symmetry and Inverse Procedural Modeling
- Synthesizing Structured Image Hybrids
- Image Deblurring with Inertial Measurement Sensors
- Learning 3D Mesh Segmentation and Labeling
- Ambient Point Clouds for View Interpolation
- Rigid-Body Fracture Sound with Precomputed Soundbanks
- Efficient Yarn-based Cloth with Adaptive Contact Linearization
- Physics-Inspired Topology Changes for Thin Fluid Features
- A Multiscale Approach to Mesh-based Surface Tension Flows
- Unstructured Video-Based Rendering: Interactive Exploration of Casually Captured Videos
March 30, 2010
- Street Slide: Browsing Street Level Imagery
- Subspace Self-Collision Culling