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ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics 2022
the Eurographics Digital Library Link for the paper
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Technical Paper Session: Sampling & Filtering
- Temporally Stable Real-Time Joint Neural Denoising and Supersampling
Manu Mathew Thomas,
Gabor Liktor,
Christoph Peters,
Sungye Kim,
Karthik Vaidyanathan,
Angus G. Forbes
- Spatiotemporal Variance-Guided Filtering for Motion Blur
Max Oberberger,
Matthaus Chajdas,
Rudiger Westermann
- Virtual Blue Noise Lighting
Tianyu Li*, Wenyou Wang*,
Daqi Lin,
Cem Yuksel
(*Joint First Authors)
Technical paper session: Graphics systems
- Software Rasterization of 2 Billion Points in Real Time
Makus Schutz,
Bernhard Kerbl,
Michael Wimmer
- Supporting Unified Shader Specialization by Co-opting C++ Features
Kerry A. Seitz,
Jr., Theresa Foley,
Serban D. Porumbescu,
John D. Owens
- A Data-Driven Paradigm for Precomputed Radiance Transfer
Laurent Belcour,
Thomas Deliot,
Wilhem Barbier,
Cyril Soler
Technical Paper Session: Geometry & Textures
- High-Performance Polynomial Root Finding for Graphics
Cem Yuksel
- Ray/Ribbon Intersections
Alexander Reshetov
- Htex: Per-Halfedge Texturing for Arbitrary Mesh Topologies
Wilhem Barbier,
Jonathan Dupuy
Technical Paper Session: Acceleration Structures
- Data Parallel Path Tracing with Object Hierarchies
Ingo Wald,
Steven G Parker
- PLOC++ Parallel Locally-Ordered Clustering for Bounding Volume Hierarchy Construction Revisited

Carsten Benthin,
Radoslaw Drabinski,
Lorenzo Tessari,
Addis Dittebrandt
- Better Fixed-Point Filtering with Averaging Trees
Andrew Adams,
Dillon Sharlet