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ACM Digital Library:ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume 32, Issue 6 (December 2013) Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2013
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Soheil Darabi,
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(Microsoft Research),
Michael Goesele
(Technische Universitat Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt))
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Thomas Geijtenbeek
(Utrecht University),
Michiel van de Panne
(University of British Columbia),
Frank van der Stappen
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- Evaluating the Distinctiveness and Attractiveness of Human Motions on Realistic Virtual Bodies
Ludovic Hoyet
(Trinity College Dublin),
Kenneth Ryall
(Trinity College Dublin and Disney Research),
Katja Zibrek
(Trinity College Dublin),
Hwangpil Park,
Jehee Lee
(Seoul National University),
Jessica Hodgins
(Carnegie Mellon University and Disney Research),
Carol O'Sullivan
(Trinity College Dublin / Disney Research / Seoul National University)
- Linear Efficient Antialiased Displacement and Reflectance Mapping
Jonathan Dupuy
(LIGUM, Dept. I.R.O., Universitede Montreal and LIRIS, Universit・e Lyon 1)
Eric Heitz
(NRIA/LJK and LIGUM, Dept. I.R.O., Universitede Montreal),
Jean-Claude Iehl
(LIRIS, Universit・e Lyon 1),
Poulin Pierre
(LIGUM, Dept. I.R.O., Universitede Montreal),
Fabrice Neyret
Victor Ostromoukhov
(LIRIS, Universit・e Lyon 1)
- On-the-Fly Multi-Scale Infinite Texturing from Example
Kenneth Vanhoey,
Frederic Larue,
Basile Sauvage,
Jean-Michel Dischler
(University of Strasbourg)
- Anisotropic Spherical Gaussians
Kun Xu,
Wei-Lun Sun
(Tsinghua University, Beijing),
Zhao Dong
(Cornell University),
Dan-Yong Zhao,
Run-Dong Wu,
Shi-Min Hu,
(Tsinghua University, Beijing)
- GPU-based Out-of-Core Many-Lights Rendering
Rui Wang,
Yuchi Huo, Yazhen Yuan,
Kun Zhou,
Wei Hua,
Hujun Bao
(Zhejiang University)
- Modeling and Estimation of Internal Friction in Cloth
Eder Miguel
(URJC Madrid /a>),
Rasmus Tamstorf,
Derek Bradley
(Disney Research, Zurich),
Sara C. Schvartzman
(Stanford University),
Bernhard Thomaszewski,
Bernd Bickel
(Disney Research, Zurich),
Wojciech Matusik
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
Steve Marschner
(Cornell University),
Miguel A. Otaduy
(URJC Madrid /a>)
- Fast Simulation of Mass-Spring Systems
Tiantian Liu,
Adam W. Bargteil
(University of Utah),
James F. O・Brien
(University of California at Berkeley),
Ladislav Kavan
(University of Pennsylvania)
- An Efficient Construction of Reduced Deformable Objects
Christoph von Tycowicz
(Freie Universitat Berlin),
Christian Schulz,
Hans-Peter Seidel,
Klaus Hildebrandt
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik)
- Simulation and Control of Skeleton-driven Soft Body Characters
Libin Liu
(Tsinghua University, Beijing),
KangKang Yin,
Bin Wang
(National University of Singapore),
Baining Guo
(Microsoft Research Asia)
- Bilateral Blue Noise Sampling
Jiating Chen
(Tsinghua University, Beijing),
Xiaoyin Ge
(Ohio State University),
Li-Yi Wei
(The University of Hong Kong and Microsoft Research),
Bin Wang
(Tsinghua University, Beijing),
Yusu Wang,
Huamin Wang
(Ohio State University),
Yun Fei,
Kang-Lai Qian,
Jun-Hai Yong
(Tsinghua University, Beijing),
Wenping Wang
(The University of Hong Kong)
- Halftone QR Codes
Hung-Kuo Chu,
Chia-Sheng Chang,
Ruen-Rone Lee
(National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan),
Niloy J. Mitra
(University College London)
- Biharmonic diffusion curve images from boundary elements
Peter Ilbery,
Luke Kendall
(Canon Information Systems Research Australia),
Cyril Concolato
(Telecom ParisTech),
Michael McCosker
(Canon Information Systems Research Australia)
- Interactive By-example Design of Artistic Packing Layouts
Bernhard Reinert
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik),
Tobias Ritschel
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik and Saarland University),
Hans-Peter Seidel
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik)
- Near-Eye Light Field Displays
Douglas Lanman,
David Luebke
(NVIDIA Research)
- Joint View Expansion and Filtering for Automultiscopic 3D Displays
Piotr Didyk,
Pitchaya Sitthi-Amorn,
William T. Freeman,
Fredo Durand,
Wojciech Matusik
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- A Metric of Visual Comfort for Stereoscopic Motion
Song-Pei Du
(Tsinghua University, Beijing),
Belen Masia
(University of Zaragoza>),
Shi-Min Hu
(Tsinghua University, Beijing),
Diego Gutierrez
(University of Zaragoza>)
- Stereoscopizing Cel Animations
Xueting Liu,
Xiangyu Mao,
Xuan Yang,
Linling Zhang,
Tien-Tsin Wong
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Technical Briefs
- Importance Sampling for Physically-Based Hair Fiber Models
Eugene d'Eon
(Weta Digital),
Steve Marschner
(Cornell University),
Johannes Hanika
(University of Ulm)
- A Fast Spatial Patch Blending Algorithm for Artefact Reduction in Pattern-based Image Inpainting
Maxime Daisy,
David Tschumperle,
Olivier Lezoray
- Fast Multi-Scale Detail Decomposition via Accelerated Iterative Shrinkage
Hicham Badri,
Hussein Yahia
(INRIA, Geostat team),
Driss Aboutajdine
(University Mohammed V-Agdal Rabat)
- HandsIn3D: Augmenting the Shared 3D Visual Space with Unmediated Hands
Weidong (Tony) Huang,
Leila Alem,
F. Tecchia
(CSIRO ICT Centre)
- Progressive Medial Axis Filtration
Noura Faraj,
Jean-Marc Thiery,
Tamy Boubekeur
(Telecom ParisTech)
- Geometric Algebra Rotors for Skinned Character Animation Blending
George Papagiannakis
(University of Crete and Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas)
- Decolorization: Is rgb2gray() Out?
Yibing Song,
Linchao Bao,
Xiaobin Xu,
Qingxiong Yang
(City University of Hong Kong)
- Motion indexing of different emotional states using LMA components

Andreas Aristidou,
Yiorgos Chrysanthou
(University Of Cyprus)
- The Shading Probe: Fast Appearance Acquisition for Mobile AR
Dan A. Calian
(University College London),
Kenny Mitchell
(Disney Research Zurich),
Derek Nowrouzezahrai
(University of Montreal),
Jan Kautz
(University College London)
- Learning Based Compression of Surface Light Fields for Real-time Rendering of Global Illumination Scenes
Ehsan Miandji,
Joel Kronander,
Jonas Unger
(Linkoping University)
- Cross-sectional Structural Analysis for 3D Printing Optimization
Nobuyuki Umetani,
Ryan Schmidt
(Autodesk Research)
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Hongbo Fu,
Xiaoguang Han,
Phan Quoc Huy
(City University of Hong Kong)
- Ambient Obscurance Baking on the GPU
Peter-Pike Sloan
(NVIDIA and Activision),
Jason Tranchida, Hao Chen,
Ladislav Kavan
(University of Pennsylvania)
- Crowdsourcing facial expressions using popular gameplay
Chek Tien Tan,
Daniel Rosser,
Natalie Harrold
(University of Technology, Sydney)
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Richard Nock
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Frank Nielsen
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- Style-based Tone Mapping for HDR Images
Ahmet Oguz Akyuz
Kerem Hadımlı,
Merve Aydınlılar
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Christian Bloch
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- Improving Robustness of Monte-Carlo Global Illumination with Directional Regularization
Guillaume Bouchard,
Jean-Claude Iehl,
Victor Ostromoukhov
Pierre Poulin
(Universite de Montreal)
- Dense Scattering Layer Removal
Qiong Yan,
Li Xu
Jiaya Jia
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Stochastic Modeling of Immersed Rigid-body Dynamics
Haoran Xie,
Kazunori Miyata
(Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)