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ACM Digital Library:ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume 31, Issue 5 (December 2012) Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2012
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Henrik Wann Jensen
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Wojciech Jarosz,
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Tzu-Mao Li,
Yu-Ting Wu,
Yung-Yu Chuang
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Fabrice Rousselle,
Claude Knaus,
Matthias Zwicker
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Matthew Fisher,
Daniel Ritchie,
Manolis Savva
(Stanford University),
Thomas Funkhouser
(Princeton University),
Pat Hanrahan
(Stanford University)
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Tianjia Shao,
Weiwei Xu
(Microsoft Research Asia),
Kun Zhou
(Zhejiang University, China),
Jingdong Wang,
Dongping Li,
Baining Guo
(Microsoft Research Asia)
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Liangliang Nan,
Ke Xie
(Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT)),
Andrei Sharf
(Ben Gurion University, Israel)
- Acquiring 3D Indoor Environments with Variability and Repetition
Young Min Kim
(Stanford University),
Niloy Mitra
(University College London),
Dongming Yan
Leonidas Guibas
(Stanford University)
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Ladislav Kavan,
Olga Sorkine
(ETH Zurich)
- Simulation of complex nonlinear elastic bodies using lattice deformers
Taylor Patterson,
Nathan Mitchell,,
Eftychios Sifakis
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
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Peter Borosan,
Ming Jin,
Doug DeCarlo
(Rutgers University),
Yotam Gingold
(George Mason University),
Andrew Nealen
(Rutgers University)
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Binh Le,
Zhigang Deng
(University of Houston)
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Johannes Kopf,
Wolf Kienzle,
Steven Drucker,
Sing Bing Kang
(Microsoft Research)
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Xiaowu Chen, Dongqing Zou, Qinping Zhao
(Beihang University),
Ping Tan
(National University of Singapore)
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Markus Hadwiger,
Ronell Sicat,
Johanna Beyer
(King Abdullah University),
Jens Kruger
(Saarland University),
Torsten Moller
(Simon Fraser University)
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Lap-Fai Yu
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Sai-Kit Yeung
(Singapore University of Technology and Design),
Demetri Terzopoulos
(University of California, Los Angeles),
Tony F. Chan
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology )
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Ivaylo Boyadzhiev
Kavita Bala
(Cornell University),
Sylvain Paris
(Adobe Systems Inc.),
Fredo Durand
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Erik Reinhard,
Tania Pouli
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik),
Ben Long
Timo Kunkel
(Dolby Canada),
Gerwin Damberg
Anders Ballestad
(University of British Columbia)
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Adrien Bousseau
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Sylvain Paris
(Adobe Systems Inc.),
Fredo Durand
George Drettakis
(REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
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Pradeep Sen,
Nima Khademi Kalantari
(University of California, Santa Barbara),
Maziar Yaesoubi,
Soheil Darabi
(UNM Advanced Graphics Lab),
Dan Goldman,
Eli Shechtman
(Adobe Systems Incorporated, USA)
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F.-J. Chang,
Yi-Ping Hung,
Soo-Chang Pei
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Soeren Pirk,
Michael Cohen,
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Matt Uyttendaele,
Johannes Kopf
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H. Kim,
S. Nagao, S. Maekawa, T. Naemura
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Kenny Mitchell,
Thomas Oskam,
Markus Gross
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