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Session: Descriptors and Shape Synthesis
- Stable Topological Signatures for Points on 3D Shapes

Mathieu Carriere,
Steve Oudot,
Maks Ovsjanikov
- Learning Class-specific Descriptors for Deformable Shapes Using Localized Spectral Convolutional Networks

Davide Boscaini,
Jonathan Masci,
Simone Melzi,
Michael Bronstein,
Umberto Castellani,
Pierre Vandergheynst
- Analysis and Synthesis of 3D Shape Families via Deep-learned Generative Models of Surfaces

Haibin Huang,
Evangelos Kalogerakis,
Benjamin Marlin
- Example Based Repetitive Structure Synthesis
Riccardo Roveri,
A. Cengiz Oztireli,
Sebastian Martin,
Barbara Solenthaler,
Markus Gross
Session: Fabrication
- Reforming Shapes for Material-aware Fabrication

Yong-Liang Yang,
Jun Wang,
Niloy J. Mitra
- Texture Mapping Real-World Objects with Hydrographics

Daniele Panozzo,
Olga Diamanti,
Sylvain Paris,
Marco Tarini,
Evgeni Sorkine,
Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Session: Registration
- Hierarchical Multiview Rigid Registration

Yizhi Tang,
Jieqing Feng
- Sparse Non-rigid Registration of 3D Shapes
Jingyu Yang,
Ke Li,
Kun Li,
Yu-Kun Lai
- Robust Articulated-ICP for Real-Time Hand Tracking

Andrea Tagliasacchi,
Matthias Schroder,
Anastasia Tkach,
Sofien Bouaziz,
Mario Botsch,
Mark Pauly
Session: Correspondence and Matching
- Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching
Itay Kezurer,
Shahar Z. Kovalsky,
Ronen Basri,
Yaron Lipman
- Continuous Matching via Vector Fields Flow
Etienne Corman,
Maks Ovsjanikov ,
Antonin Chambolle
- LeSSS: Learned Shared Semantic Spaces for Relating Multi-Modal Representations of 3D Shapes
Robert Herzog,
Daniel Mewes,
Michael Wand,
Leonidas Guibas,
Hans-Peter Seidel
Session: Numerical Methods for Geometry Processing
- Fast and Exact (Poisson) Solvers on Symmetric Geometries

Misha Kazhdan
- Robust Treatment of Degenerate Elements in Interactive Corotational FEM Simulations
(CG Forum paper)
O. Civit-Flores,
Toni Susin
- Quaternion Julia Set Shape Optimization

Theodore Kim
Session: Geometry and Images
- Dynamic SfM: Detecting Scene Changes from Image Pairs

Tuanfeng Y. Wang,
Pushmeet Kohli,
Niloy J. Mitra
- An Image Degradation Model for Depth Augmented Image Editing

James W. Hennessey,
Niloy J. Mitra
- Unconditionally Stable Shock Filters for Image and Geometry Processing

F. Prada Nino,
Misha Kazhdan
Session: Quads and Polygons
- Perfect Laplacians for Polygon Meshes

Philipp Herholz,
Jan Eric Kyprianidis,
Marc Alexa
- A Projective Framework for Polyhedral Mesh modeling
(CG Forum paper)
Amir Vaxman
- Perfect Matching Quad Layouts for Manifold Meshes

Faniry H. Razafindrazaka,
Ulrich Reitebuch,
Konrad Polthier
- Can bi-cubic surfaces be class A?

Kestitutis Karciauskas,
Jor Peters
Session: Curves and Graphs
- Homotopic Morphing of Planar Curves
Nadav Dym,
Anna Shtengel,
Yaron Lipman
- A Homologically Persistent Skeleton of an Unstructured Point Cloud in any Metric Space

Vitaliy Kurlin