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Session 1
- Functional Webs for Freeform Architecture
Bailin Deng,
Johannes Wallner,
Helmut Pottmann
- Surface Patches from Unorganized Space Curves
Fatemeh Abbasinejad,
Pushkar Joshi,
Nina Amenta
- Rational Bi-cubic G2 Splines for Design with Basic Shapes
Jorg Peters,
Kestutis Karciauskas
Session 2
- CubeCover - Parameterization of 3D Volumes
Matthias Nieser,
Ulrich Reitebuch,
Konrad Polthier
- All-Hex Mesh Generation via Volumetric PolyCube Deformation
James Gregson,
Alla Sheffer,
Eugene Zhang
- Localized Delaunay Refinement for Volumes
Tamal Dey,
Andrew Slatton
Session 3
- A Multiscale Metric for 3D Mesh Visual Quality Assessment
Guillaume Lavoue
- Optimising Perceived Distortion in Lossy Encoding of Dynamic Meshes
Libor Vasa,
Oldrich Petrik
- A Hierarchical Grid Based Framework for Fast Collision Detection
Wenshan Fan,
Bin Wang,
Jean-Claude Paul,
Jiaguang Sun
Session 4
- Coarse-to-Fine Combinatorial Matching for Dense Isometric Shape Correspondence
Yusuf Sahillioglu,
Tucel Yemez
- Large-Scale Integer Linear Programming for Orientation Preserving 3D Shape Matching
Thomas Windheuser,
Ulrich Schlickewei,
Frank Schmidt,
Daniel Cremers
- An Optimization Approach to Improving Collections of Shape Maps
Andy Nguyen,
Mirela Ben-Chen,
Katarzyna Welnicka,
Yinyu Ye,
Leonidas Guibas
Session 5
- Deformable 3D Shape Registration Based on Local Similarity Transforms
Chavdar Papazov,
Darius Burschka
- A Condition Number for Non-Rigid Shape Matching
Maks Ovsjanikov,
Qi-xing Huang,
Leonidas Guibas
- On Approximation of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator and the Willmore Energy of Surfaces
Klaus Hildebrandt,
Konrad Polthier
Session 6
- Multiscale Biharmonic Kernels
Raif Rustamov
- A Complex View of Barycentric Mappings
Ofir Weber,
Mirela Ben-Chen,
Craig Gotsman,
Kai Hormann
- As-Killing-As-Possible Vector Fields for Planar Deformation
Justin Solomon,
Mirela Ben-Chen,
Adrian Butscher,
Leonidas Guibas
Session 7
- On the shape of a Set of Points and Lines in the Plane

Marc van Kreveld,
Thijs Lankveld,
Remco Veltkamp
- VASE: Volume-Aware Surface Evolution for Surface Reconstruction from Incomplete Point Clouds
Andrea Tagliasacchi,
Matt Olson,
Hao Zhang,
Ghassan Hamarneh,
Daniel Cohen-Or
- Skeleton Computation of Orthogonal Polyhedra
Jonas Martinez,
Marc Vigo,
Nuria Pla-Garcia
Session 8
- A Multiscale Approach to Optimal Transport
Quentin Merigot
- An optimal transport approach to robust reconstruction and simplification of 2D shapes
Fernando de Goes,
David Cohen-Steiner,
Pierre Alliez,
Mathieu Desbrun