Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2009 papers on the web

Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang. If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.

Note that when possible I link to the page containing the link to the actual PDF or PS of the preprint. I prefer this as it gives some context to the paper and avoids possible copyright problems with direct linking. Thus you may need to search on the page to find the actual document.


Modeling, Sculpting

Energy-Based Content-Aware Shape Deformation
Zachi Karni, Daniel Freedman, Craig Gotsman
Fast, Exact, Linear Booleans
Gilbert Bernstein, Donald Fussell
Interior Distance Using Barycentric Coordinates
Raif Rustamov, Yaron Lipman, Thomas A. Funkhouser

Hierarchies & Compression

Diamond Hierarchies of Arbitrary Dimension
Kenneth Weiss, Leila De Floriani
Progressive Lossless Mesh Compression Via Incremental Parametric Refinement (Project)
Sebastien Valette, Raphaelle Chaine, Remy PROST
Random Accessible Hierarchical Mesh Compression for Interactive Visualization
Clement Courbet, Celine Hudelot

Reconstruction - irregular sampling

Rotating Scans for Systematic Error Removal
Fatemeh Abbasinejad, Yong J Kil, Andrei Sharf, Nina Amenta
Reconstruction of Multi-Label Domains from Partial Planar Cross-Sections
Amir Vaxman, Gill Barequet
Smoothing of Partition of Unity Implicit Surfaces for Noise Robust Surface Reconstruction
Yukie Nagai, Yutaka Ohtake, Hiromasa SUZUKI

Reconstruction - regular sampling

Recovering Structure from r-sampled Objects
Bernhard Kornberger, Gunter Rote, Oswin Aichholzer, Franz Aurenhammer, Gert Vegter, Simon Plantinga, Astrid Sturm, Thomas Hackl
Manifold Homotopy via the Flow Complex
Bardia Sadri
Isotopic Reconstruction of Surfaces with Boundaries
Tamal Krishna Dey, Kuiyu Li, Edgar A. Ramos

Shape Analysis

A Concise and Provably Informative Multi-scale Signature Based on Heat Diffusion
Jian Sun, Maks Ovsjanikov, Leonidas J. Guibas
Gromov-Hausdorff Stable Signatures for Shapes using Persistence
Facundo Memoli, Steve Yann Oudot, Frederic Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, Leonidas J. Guibas
Shape Analysis Using the Auto Diffusion Function
Katarzyna Gebal, Henrik Aanas, Rasmus Larsen, J. Andreas Barentzen

Meshing - non-simplex

Multi-objective shape segmentation and labeling
Patricio Simari, Evangelos (Vangelis) Kalogerakis, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Karan Singh
Semi-regular, Quad-only Remeshing from Simplified Base Domains
Joel Daniels, Claudio T. Silva, Elaine Cohen
Localized Quadrilateral Coarsening
Joel Daniels, Claudio T. Silva, Elaine Cohen

Meshing - simplex

Isotropic Remeshing with Fast and Exact Computation of Restricted Voronoi Diagram
Dong-Ming Yan, Bruno Levy, Yang Liu, Feng Sun, Wenping Wang
Feature preserving Delaunay mesh generation from 3D multi- material images
Dobrina Boltcheva, Mariette Yvinec, Jean-Daniel BOISSONNAT
Filtering Relocations on a Delaunay Triangulation
Pedro Machado Manhaes de Castro, Jane Tournois, Pierre Alliez, Olivier Devillers


Estimating the Laplace-Beltrami Operator by Restricting 3D Functions
Ming Chuang, Linjie Luo, Benedict J. Brown, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Michael Kazhdan
Stability of Curvature Measures (TR)
Boris Thibert, Frederic Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, Andre Lieutier
Approximating Gradients for Meshes and Point Clouds via Diffusion Metric
Chuanjiang Luo, Issam Safa, Yusu Wang


Discrete Critical Values: a General Framework for Silhouettes Computations
Frederic Chazal, Andre Lieutier, Nicolas Montana
Separatrix Persistence: Extraction of Salient Edges on Surfaces Using Topological Methods
Tino Weinkauf, David Guenther