Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004 Papers
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EG DL: Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004
Session 1
- Spectral Surface Reconstruction From Noisy Point Clouds
Ravi Krishna Kolluri,
Jonathan Richard Shewchuk,
James F. O'Brien
- Registration of Point Cloud Data from a Geometric Optimization Perspective
Niloy J. Mitra,
Natasha Gelfand,
Helmut Pottmann,
Leo Guibas
- Comparing Point Clouds
Guillermo Sapiro
Facundo Memoli
- Geometric Texture Synthesis by Example
Pravin Bhat,
Stephen Frowe Ingram,
Greg Turk
Session 2
- Iso-charts: Stretch-driven Mesh Parameterization using Spectral Analysis
Kun Zhou,
John Snyder,
Baining Guo,
Heung-Yeung Shum
- Signal-Specialized Parameterization for Piecewise Linear Reconstruction
Geetika Tewari,
John Snyder,
Pedro V. Sander,
Steven J. Gortler,
Hughes Hoppe
- Seamless Texture Atlases
Budirijanto Purnomo,
Jonathan Cohen,
Subodh Kumar
Session 3
- Connectivity Transformation for Mesh Metamorphosis
Minsu Ahn,
Seungyong Lee,
Hans-Peter Seidel
- A data structure for non-manifold simplicial d-complexes

Leila De Floriani,
David Greenfieldboyce,
Annie Hui
- Simplification and Improvement of Tetrahedral Models for Simulation
Barbara Cutler,
Julie Dorsey,
Leonard McMillan
Session 4
- Lofting Curve Networks using Subdivision Surfaces
Scott Schaefer,
Joe Warren,
Denis Zorin
- Symmetry Descriptors and 3D Shape Matching
Michael Kazhdan,
Thomas Funkhouser,
Szymon Rusinkiewicz
- Persistence Barcodes for Shapes
Gunnar Carlsson,
Afra Zomorodian,
Anne Collinsy,
Leo Guibas
- Fast Collision Detection between Massive Models using Dynamic Simplification
Sung-Eui Yoon,
Brian Salomon,
Ming C. Lin,
Dinesh Manocha
Session 5
- Smooth Tetrahedral Subdivision
Scott Schaefer,
Jan Hackenberg,
Joe Warren
- Differentiable Parameterization of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces
Ioana Boier-Martin,
Denis Zorin
- Second Order Smoothness over Extraordinary Vertices
Charles Loop
Session 6
- Laplacian Surface Editing
Olga Sorkine,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
Yaron Lipman,
Marc Alexa
Christian Roessl,
Hans-Peter Seidel
- A Remeshing Approach to Multiresolution Modeling
Mario Botsch
Leif Kobbelt
Session 7
- Parameterization of Triangle Meshes over Quadrilateral Domains
Ioana Boier-Martin,
Holly Rushmeier,
Jingyi Jin
- Similarity-Based Surface Modelling Using Geodesic Fans
Steve Zelinka,
Michael Garland
- Shape Segmentation Using Local Slippage Analysis
Natasha Gelfand,
Leo Guibas
- Two Algorithms for Fast Reclustering of Dynamic Meshed Surfaces
Nathan A. Carr,
John C. Hart
Session 8
- Topology Preserving Surface Extraction using Adaptive Subdivision
Gokul Varadhan,
Shankar Krishnan,
TVN Sriram,
Dinesh Manocha
- Isotopic Approximation of Implicit Curves and Surfaces
Simon Plantinga,
Gert Vegter