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ACM Digital Library: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
ACM Digital Library (DOI) Link for the paper
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Bruce Gooch
- Portrait Painting Using Active Templates
Mingtian Zhao,
Song-Chun Zhu
- Temporal Noise Control for Sketchy Animation
Gioacchino Noris,
Daniel Sykora,
Stelian Coros,
Brian Whited,
Maryann Simmons,
Alexander Hornung,
Markus Gross,
Robert Sumner
- Spatio-temporal Analysis for Parameterizing Animated Lines
Bert Buchholz,
Noura Faraj,
Tamy Boubekeur,
Elmar Eisemann,
Sylvain Paris
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- Evaluating emotional responses to non-photorealistic images
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- Hidden Images
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Song-Hai Zhang,
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- Towards ground truth in geometric textures
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Paul Asente,
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- Towards automatic concept transfer
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