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ACM Digital Library: High Performance Graphics 2009
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Acceleration Data Structures
- Spatial Splits in Bounding Volume Hierarchies
Martin Stich,
Heiko Friedrich,
Andreas Dietrich (NVIDIA Corporation)
- Object Partitioning Considered Harmful: Space Subdivision for BVHs
Stefan Popov,
Iliyan Georgiev,
Rossen Dimov,
Philipp Slusallek (Saarland University)
- A Parallel Algorithm for Construction of Uniform Grids
Javor Kalojanov,
Philipp Slusallek (Saarland University)
Graphics Hardware
- CFU: Multi-Purpose Configurable Filtering Unit for Mobile Multimedia Applications on Graphics Hardware
Chih-Hao Sun,
You-Ming Tsao,
Ka-Hang Lok,
Chia-Ming Chang,
Shao-Yi Chien (National Taiwan University)
- Scaling of 3D Game Engine Workloads on Modern Multi-GPU Systems

Jordi Roca Monfort (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)),
Mark Grossman (Advanced Micro Devices)
- Embedded Function Composition

Turner Whitted,
Jim Kajiya,
Erik Ruf,
Ray Bittner (Microsoft Research)
- Efficient depth peeling via bucket sort

Fang Liu,
Meng-Cheng Huang,
Xue-Hui Liu (Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences),
En-Hua Wu (Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Macau)
- Data-Parallel Rasterization of Micropolygons With Defocus and Motion Blur
Kayvon Fatahalian,
Edward Luong,
Solomon Boulos (Stanford University),
Kurt Akeley (Microsoft Research),
William R. Mark (Intel Corporation),
Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University)
- Accelerating Shadow Rays Using Volumetric Occluders and Modified kd-Tree Traversal
Peter Djeu,
Sean Keely (University of Texas at Austin),
Warren Hunt (Intel Corporation)
Shading and Geometry
- Hardware-Accelerated Global Illumination by Image Space Photon Mapping
Morgan McGuire (Williams College),
David Luebke (NVIDIA Corporation)
- Image Space Gathering
Austin Robison,
Peter Shirley (NVIDIA Research)
- Parallel View-Dependent Tessellation of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces
Anjul Patney (University of California, Davis),
Mohamed Ebeida (Carnegie Mellon University),
John Owens (University of California, Davis)
- Morphological Antialiasing
Alexander Reshetov (Intel Corporation)
- Selective and Adaptive Supersampling for Real-Time Ray Tracing
Bongjun Jin,
Insung Ihm,
Byungjoon Jang (Sogang University),
Chanmin Park,
Wonjong Lee,
Seokyoon Jung (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)
- A Directionally Adaptive Edge Anti-Aliasing Filter
Konstantine Iourcha,
Jason Yang,
Andrew Pomianowski (Advanced Micro Devices)
Efficient Ray Tracing
- Efficient Ray Traced Soft Shadows using Multi-Frusta Traversal
Carsten Benthin,
Ingo Wald (Intel Corporation)
- Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs
Timo Aila,
Samuli Laine (NVIDIA Corporation)
- Faster Incoherent Rays: Multi-BVH Ray Stream Tracing
John Tsakok (Intel Corporation)
GPU Computing
- Efficient Stream Compaction on Wide SIMD Many-Core Architectures
Markus Billeter,
Ola Olsson,
Ulf Assarsson (Chalmers University of Technology)
- Fast Minimum Spanning Tree for Large Graphs on the GPU
Vibhav Vineet,
Pawan Harish,
Suryakant Patidar
P. J. Narayanan (International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad)
- Stream Compaction for Deferred Shading
Jared Hoberock (NVIDIA Corporation),
Victor Lu,
Yuntao Jia,
John C. Hart (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)